Questionnaire for lockdown times (In)Actions Answer as many of the following questions as you like in whatever way you see fit: Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.1. Like one of those jokes of questionable taste: what did the clock say to another clock during lockdown?2. Of all the people who are healthy: who was the happiest during lockdown? And who was the saddest?3. If you had to tell your lockdown story, how would you do it: a daily or surreal diary, a classic or non-ending novel, a horror story or a fable, a treatise or an essay, a poem, a play, a sound recording, a video, etc.? Or would you never tell it at all?4. Do you think that the time you spent in lockdown has changed your life, will change it or will change something in it? And in everyone’s life?5. In lockdown times, what do you think of this statement: “Man’s unhappiness is based on only one thing: his inability to stay locked up at home”? 6. Imagine that you are at work, and during a lunch break, a woman who works with you comes up to you and says: “Time produces violence; it is the only violence." How would you respond to her today? 7. During your time in lockdown, do you think you could experience a moment so full and so happy that it would fill you so much that you would consider your life over: "Oh, instant, stop, you are so beautiful”? Or did you already experience it before lockdown? And would it be easier for you to experience it afterwards?8. If you wish, add other questions to this questionnaire…Your name:Leave us an email address to contact you: *EmailSend